Motivational sayings of ten great people

 Why read inspirational speeches?  For inspiration!  You may need something, if you can use this year’s list of goals this year because it’s great as new.  We can all benefit from inspirational thinking, so here are ten great ones.

 “Pay more attention to your character with your reputation.  Your character is when you really are, on the other hand your reputation is just what you think others say "" - Dale Carnegie

"Don't wait; time will never be 'exactly right' 'Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you have on your orders and better tools will be available as you go along - Napoleon Hill

 "What is behind us and what is in front of us is less important than what is in us" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

 "Some men look at things as they are and say, 'Why?  "I never dream of such things and say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw
“A small problem is like a pebble.  Hold it very close to your eyes and it fills the whole world and keeps everything out of focus.  Keep it at a reasonable distance and it can be properly classified by examination.  Throw it at your feet and it will be seen in its true state, another small push in the way of life "" - Celia Luce

 "While no one can go back and start a brand new one, anyone can start from now and finish a brand new one."  - Carl Bird

"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it would be appropriate" - Art Williams

 Inspirational Quotes - Attitudes

 Attitude “There is a little difference between people, but that little difference makes a big difference.  The big difference is whether it's positive or negative. "- W. Dr. Clement Stone

Nothing in the world can stop a person from achieving his goal with the right mental attitude;  Nothing in the world can help him with the wrong mental attitude.  ”- Thomas Jefferson

 "A person cannot choose his situation directly, but he can choose his thoughts and therefore indirectly shape his situation."  - James Allen

“People often become what they believe they are.  If I keep telling myself that I can’t do a certain job, it’s not possible that I could really end up being unable to do it.  Conversely, if I believe I can do it, I will certainly be able to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.  "- Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi

 These are some semantic quotes to me.
I hope one or two of them are inspiring you too.  If not, they will inspire you to create your own motivational statement.

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