Easy steps to avoid depression for Life

 There seem to be a lot of people who are frustrated that we should really look at the causes of frustration first.  The reasons for contributing to depression are well known, and well researched but it is not clear what causes it.  New research has uncovered some of the factors that contribute to people's increased chances of depression.


 Stress took first place.  It is true that any stressful environment or situation can lead to frustration.  It can be something like social stress, getting a job, relationship difficulties, thinking about money, being late, living out of control, school stress and getting good grades.  Other events can cause frustration: death, job change, moving from one place to another;  Even unknown fears can cause frustration.  The list is endless.Although these incidents cannot be avoided, we must come up with effective stress management measures to deal with stressful situations because they never go away.  Stressful situations just keep changing.

Drinks and drugs

 People who take drugs and alcohol are at higher risk of depression.  When these substances are used at a young age, they can negatively affect a person's brain.  These substances help the person to feel better temporarily but in most cases people become addicted.

Medications release dopamine into the pleasure center of the brain.  For example: delicious food increases the release of dopamine by about 50%.  Sexuality on the other hand doubles this number.  However, drugs can increase the release of dopamine by four to ten times.  This unnatural high almost certainly leads to frustration after the high is gone.  This substance is a sure way to fry the circuitry of the brain.

Drugs make him more frustrated than happy.  This effect will swell downwards until the person taking the drug wants to look for more substances to break the cycle of depression by following each high and so the addiction is not born.

 Lack of adequate sleep

 The study found that 40 percent of adults do not get the right amount of sleep every day and up to 71 percent of students have complaints of sleep disorders and lack of sleep.

Sleep is essential for a person's health.  During sleep, the body repairs itself and reconstitutes thought.  Lack of sleep contributes to the lack of connection between the brain waves.  This scene often leads to frustration.  Sleeping during the day and staying up late interferes with the body's natural rhythms.  It can be a feeling of frustration.

Here are a few ways to prevent depression. 👇👇👇👇

 Sleep is an important part of preventing depression.  Balance with adequate rest in your life and exercise every day.  Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

 Maintain some regularity in your life.  Organize your activities so that they come at the expected and regular time.  If you have a weekly, daily or monthly routine set, you have time to get used to your body's activities.  This will create an opportunity to reduce it to frustration.

Don't push yourself beyond your limits.  Check the pressure and try to avoid stress if you can.  If this cannot be done, try to deal with stress in a way that minimizes the damage.

 Sunlight and practice help the brain to function at a higher level.  Make time to enjoy the sunlight and try to stay active in daylight if possible.

 Stay away from alcohol and drugs.  These may sound interesting but what they do is a disaster in a person's life.

Prioritize at least one hot meal per day.  Good diet and good health are important while keeping away from depression

 Have fun every day.  Some don’t stop the burden of frustration like the old fun times.  Social activities such as chatting, joining a support group game and other hobbies can work wonders towards healing a stressed and busy mind.

 Depression can be avoided and treated and it can be fun.Follow the tips mentioned daily for a bright and happy disposition.  You'll feel better for it!

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