Simple Guidance For You In Help For Children Who Are Depressed

               Are you the parent of a child who is often depressed?  Are you a child who often gets dumped and frustrated?  This article gives advice on how to deal with, reduce and even eliminate this depression for both parents, other family members and children.

 I think there have been many times since my own childhood when I was very unhappy and sad.  I was a person who let aspects of my life rise above me that sometimes affected my sleep patterns.I saw it grow up as one of the great music and struggles of childhood, adolescence and finally in my youth.  I was forever comparing my life to that of my brothers, sisters and friends. Their lives seemed so much easier than what mine was and this made me feel quite jealous of them.


          One of my flaws was looking back that I was not willing to discuss my worries and fears with my parents and basically kept these locked inside me.  It certainly meant that I had to deal with every issues (problem) on my own without outside help or advice.  I wish I could be more open with family because I think my life would be so much happier.

       I am now the father or mother of two children myself and always looking for them.  They are trying to figure out how they are coping with life and if I think they are in an unhappy time or mood I try to talk to them to find out what is happening.  They are not always happy to discuss these issues, but I make sure that I am on their side when they are ready to understand.I talk to them about my own childhood and the mistakes I feel about keeping my own concerns to myself.

 I want my kids to understand that they can talk to me about any aspect of their lives and I will not come here to help them and judge them.  Life in general with school, for example, can be tough at times, as things like bullying affect a lot of children.  There is extra pressure from exams and trying to establish a group of friends within oneself.Going through all of the school transfers and physical changes can also be quite uncomfortable for many children.

 As a family we try to make our children’s home life as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.  This includes many family days and where possible financially, there are family vacations abroad in the summer.



       My advice to any parent who has dissatisfied or often depressed children is to be very patient with them during this time.  I, as I have already stated would try and get them to talk about what is making them feel in this way and if they do not want to talk, would let them know that I am there for them if they do ever want a chat etc.

        My advice to a child who is feeling depressed is to talk to your family, friends or a teacher.  They say that sharing a problem is half a problem and I really believe in this statement.  You don’t have to be alone in this world and the advice you are given can be beneficial to you.  Despite what you think, all children have problems and concerns about different aspects of their own lives.Your parents must have had children many months ago and may have experienced things that you are not satisfied with.  Don’t make the mistakes I made by keeping these issues to yourself because it doesn’t help reduce your fear or frustration.

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