intrinsic motivation definition

             Intrinsic Motivation has been studied by experts since the 1970s, and research has shown that an individual's accomplishments in anything and everything lead to internal motivation.  For example, if a person has done well in his driving test, this success will give him more motivation to drive in the long run.

             Another factor that will help raise an individual

 It is through individual reasons that a person wants to solve problems as a result of his own energy, passion and hard work.  Moreover, such a situation helps a person to be more motivated in the future as a result of one's inner efforts.

 Another result of internal motivation is when a person is interested in something.  For example, a person who is 

        Some authors distinguish between two types of internal motivation: one based on enjoyment, the other on compulsion.  In this context, compulsion refers to motivation based on what a person thinks he should do.  For example, a feeling of

            The intrinsic motivation has been studied by educational psychologists since the 1970s, and numerous studies have found it to be associated with higher educational achievement and student enjoyment.  There is currently no universal theory to explain the source or elements of internal motivation, and most explanations combine elements of Fritz Heider's attribution theory, a combination of other studies related to Bandura's own efficacy and control and locus of goal direction.

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