Bhakti Yoga is the Science of Devotion

       Bhakti means devotion to the Almighty.  Bhakti Yoga discusses devotion to God and attaining union with Him.  This is the easiest of all types of yoga.  This branch of yoga teaches the relationship between the devotee and divine.  It does not involve any technical or complex procedures.  No intellectual skills are required to master this yoga.



             Bhakti Yoga assumes that there is a higher power that created the universe and is omnipotent.  This power has the power to give him grace and mercy and thus protects him from all harm and evil.  The devotee is expected to equip himself to receive this divine teaching grace.  For this he has to practice devotion and virtue.His ultimate goal should be to unite with this divine power and rest forever in happiness and peace.  The devotee surrenders all his intentions and works to the divine power.  He relinquishes all responsibility for the good or bad consequences of all his actions and bestows it on the will of the Supreme.


Devotion and faith play an important role in this branch of yoga.  The devotee or bhakti is considered to be extremely pious, should take a friendly position towards all other creatures including animals, should read religious texts, should pay attention to the symbol of God, think well for others and wish good luck etc. The beauty of this yoga lies in its simplicity.  This makes it one of the most interesting of all yoga types.  Following this yoga develops peace of mind in a person.  A peaceful person will always think of happy and prosperous thoughts and thus will lead a happy life.

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