What Is Inspiration ?

                  What does the word inspiration mean?  I look at the word and divide it into two parts: "in" and "spirit".  Living an inspired life means always being "in the Spirit" - in tune with the great presence of the higher Spirit within you.  In reality where the mind is open to everything and not attached to anything.Regardless of religion, nationality or belief system, we are all born out of an organizational intelligence, currently the spark of the spark, even if the person is not currently aware of it, everyone has the spark of the spark.

                      Therefore, this organizational intelligence is the place from which we all draw inspiration - Inspire.  An inspired life is finding a way to live a life consistent with divine learning intelligence with each of your thoughts.  When you are disconnected from the soul, always live with the soul and feel yourself.The key is to communicate with the source of the divine teachings in which the inspiration lies.  Spending the day, observing every thought and knowing that when you have left the soul you have thoughts that do not include everyone - when you become ego-centered (Edging-God-out).


           Being inspired is not about realizing yourself as limited, not having luck, never doing things, etc. Understanding that you are unlimited and have the potential to create whatever you want if you are united with the Divine God in it.  What the human mind can imagine, the mind of the mind can create man.  You are a perfect creation of God.  There is nothing that you cannot do.  Know that you can create and attract everything you need to create your aspirations.  `

             Living an inspired life realizes that you come from a divine teaching source - you are a part of this inity God, the manifestation of infinite possibilities.  In a real sense, like what you came from - we are pieces of the divine chain.  We are spiritual people who have a human experience, not people who have spiritual experience.Not a drop of the ocean, but the small drop has the same properties and essence.  The sea .. Since the source from which we come is love, peace, abundance, boundless, perfect health, then we also have our inherent qualities as human beings.  It’s actually an insult from which you came to think of something less.


     We came into existence from divinity but somehow developed an ego separated from our source.  We begin to follow the animal and identify the things that have accumulated.  Calm your mind, meditate and connect with your higher soul.

                  When you are inspired, you discover yourself as a bigger person than you ever imagined.  Understand that your thinking power.  It is about what kind of thoughts and feelings we offer in order to achieve our desires to be united with the soul.

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